Experience the Benefits of Oregon Bio Membership

Oregon Bio memberships fall into two categories - Core and Premium. Core membership rates are based on the number of worldwide employees, with special rates available for Associate Members (Non Profits, Accelerators, Universities, Community College, K-12 Education School/Academy, etc.). Premium memberships range in value and are eligible for additional benefits based on the membership level. 

To become a member, please select the appropriate type of membership from the list below. Companies and organizations may join and dues are based on the number of employees. Individual memberships are available for active students only. Questions? Contact Julie Black at

Industry Member

Industry Members are companies actively engaged in the biotechnology sector, including manufacturing (chemical, contract, equipment), consumer products, diagnostic & assay, digital health, contract laboratories, medical devices, research tools, and therapeutics (small molecules, biologics, drug delivery, vaccines). Core dues are based on employment size. 

*Out-of-state Industry Members must be at or above the Gold Membership Tier to join the Government Affairs and Advocacy Committee (GAAC).

Membership Tier
Core-1-5 employees  $275
Core-6-19 employees $525
Core: 20-39 employees $800
Core: 40-89 employees $1,100
Core: 90-149 employees $2,200
Silver $3,300
Gold $5,500
Emerald  $7,500
Diamond $11,000
Platinum $22,000
Join as Industry Member

Associate Members

Associate Members include research, academic, and specialized organizations actively engaged in the biotechnology sector through research, educational, accelerator, incubator, trade association, or other related activity.  Core dues are based on member category or size.  Research Institutes include universities, colleges, or other foundations with dues based on annual bioscience research spend. Premium level tiers include added benefits. Associate Members must be at or above the Gold Membership Tier to join the Government Affairs and Advocacy Committee (GAAC).

*Universities, colleges, and research institutes with bioscience research expenditures of $50M or more and considering a Premium membership must select a tier that meets or exceeds the value of their Core membership dues. 

Membership Tier
K-12 Education $550
Non-profit & Government Members  $825
Community College  $1,100
Accel, Incub, Trade  $3,000
Hospital $2,200
University/College/Institute: Less than $50M $2,200
University/College/Institute: $50-200M $4,400
University/College/Institute: More than $200M  $8,800
Silver  $3,300
Gold  $5,500
Emerald  $7,500
Diamond  $11,000
Platinum  $22,000
Join as Associate Members

Service Partner

Service Members include companies/organizations that provide services & products to the biotech sector, including consulting, financial or investment, information technology, legal, marketing/PR, material/equipment supplies, real estate/architecture/construction, regulatory affairs, technical writing, software, staffing, or training. Core dues are based on employment size. Premium level tiers include added benefits. Service Members must be at or above the Gold Membership Tier to join the Government Affairs and Advocacy Committee Committee (GAAC).

Membership Tier
Standard: 1 employee  $300
Standard: 2-5 employee  $550
Standard: 6-14 employee  $950
Standard: 15-39 employee  $1,650
Standard: 40-89 employee  $2,750
Silver  $3,300
Gold  $5,500
Platinum  $22,000

Join as Service Partner